IDEaL's project description includes:
Creating and disseminating knowledge:
IDEAL seeks to develop and
disseminate knowledge on education for sustainable development (ESD) to key
stakeholders, including policymakers, educators, civil society organizations, and the
general public. This is done through research, publications, and other knowledge-sharing
Capacity building:
IDEAL provides capacity-building support to
education practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders, to enable them to develop
and implement ESD programs and policies effectively.
Innovation and best practices::
IDEaL seeks to identify and promote innovative ESD practices and best practices for
integrating sustainability into education systems.
- Advocacy and networking:
- Train-the-trainers
- Internship
About us
Initiative for Development, Education and Learning (IDEal)
is a digital learning project that aims to promote and advance education for sustainable development. IDEAL's ultimate goal is to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world by bridging the digital divide to empower individuals, communities, and institutions to take action toward a more sustainable future.